Leonor Wangensteen recognized by the Global Community for Academic Advising

Leonor L. Wangensteen

Leonor L. Wangensteen, advising professor and director of academic support programs in the Notre Dame College of Engineering, has been awarded the 2023 Leading Light Award by the Global Community for Academic Advising (NACADA).

This award recognizes a person who has made the most significant contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the academic advising community.  

Leonor was chosen for her “visionary and inspiring leadership” within the global advising community as well as her exceptional work with undergraduates in the Notre Dame College of Engineering and the First-Year of Engineering Program.  

In addition to advising engineering majors, Wangensteen directs the College of Engineering’s Academically Collaborative Engineering Spaces (ACES) Program, which provides tutoring and peer mentorship for engineering students.

Her scholarship focuses on issues of diversity, inclusivity, and equality in higher education, including best practices in advising underrepresented student populations. 

— Notre Dame Engineeering