Yichun Wang receives NSF CAREER award to engineer nanomaterials for drug delivery

Yichun Wang

Yichun Wang, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at the University of Notre Dame, has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award, one of the highest honors awarded to young faculty.

Wang’s research focuses on the development of nanotherapeutics through computational, experimental and data-driven methods.  

Her CAREER research project studies chirality, a type of molecular asymmetry that can significantly influence the behavior of engineered and non-engineered nanomaterials. Wang and her research group will investigate chiral nanoscale interactions—particularly with lipids and proteins—in order to maximize drug benefits.

For the educational component of her CAREER project, Wang’s group will create exhibits on nanotechnology and biomedicine for children at area museums to encourage the study of science and engineering. Wang also will provide research opportunities to local high school students and undergraduates through summer programs.

Wang completed her research training as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Michigan, where she also received her Ph.D. She joined the Notre Dame faculty in 2020.

— Karla Cruise, Notre Dame College of Engineering