Andrew Kennedy

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Areas of Interest
Professor Kennedy’s research focuses on waves, surge, and currents in the coastal ocean and their effects on human activities. Parts of this work are observational, ranging from the rapid deployment of wave and surge gauges in advance of hurricane landfalls, to the analysis of very large-scale bathymetric lidar datasets to determine morphological changes during large storms.
A recent focus correlates observed storm damage to observed and predicted hydrodynamics in coastal regions. Parts this research are theoretical and computational and deal with water wave theory in shallow and deep water and in the generation of near-shore circulation by breaking waves. This work has direct application to the prediction of storm waves and water levels, damage, and erosion.
Prof. Kennedy also holds a concurrent faculty position in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.
Ph.D, Monash University, Australia, 1998
M.S.. University of British Columbia
B.S., Civil Engineering, Queen’s University, Canada