The College of Engineering offers seven minors, which are open to Notre Dame students in any major who have taken the prerequisite courses for upper-level engineering and science courses.
Subject to the multi-counting rules approved by the College of Engineering, the courses required for these minors may also satisfy the requirements for a student’s primary degree program.
For more information, you should consult with your advisor or the unit that is offering the minor.
Bioengineering (MBIE)
The Minor in Bioengineering integrates the tools of engineering analysis with the fundamentals of life sciences to enliven understanding of living organisms, medical treatments, and biochemical pathways. The goal is to provide quantitative predictions and insight toward the design of medical and biological devices and processes. Offered by: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
Computational Engineering (MCOM)
The Computational Engineering Minor exposes students to the fundamentals of programming and numerical methods, providing experience and skills in computer usage and knowledge of applications from a range different areas. The minor provides a solid grounding in the application of computational methods to various engineering problems such as fluid mechanics, structural analysis, elasticity, and optimization. Offered by: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.
Energy Engineering (MENE)
The Energy Engineering Minor involves many engineering and non-engineering disciplines and focuses on the technical aspects of energy to prepare students for professional jobs or advanced studies in this important area. Topics include: blackouts (the stability of the power grid and other reliability issues); energy efficiency and policy; sources of energy and related environmental concerns; carbon dioxide capture and storage; nuclear energy and associated difficulties; and biofuels. Offered by: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.
Energy Studies (MENS)
The Energy Studies Minor examines the issue of energy from a variety of perspectives. Students will learn to quantify energy resources and recognize the laws of thermodynamics that govern energy conversion; understand the linkages between ethics and energy utilization; assess the strengths and weaknesses and impact of alternative energy technologies; and understand the influence of geopolitics, economics, and public policy on the nation’s and the world’s energy future. Offered by: ND Energy.
Engineering Corporate Practice (MECP)
The College of Engineering collaborates with the Mendoza College of Business and the College of Arts and Letters to offer the Minor in Engineering Corporate Practice, which prepares students for future careers while exploring topics at the intersection of engineering and business.
Environmental Earth Sciences (MEES)
This minor provides a foundation in the physical sciences, emphasizing processes that occur near or at the surface of earth and the impact of human activity on such processes. Students explore geochemical, mineralogical and hydrological properties of earth’s crust and develop an understanding of the interplay of natural processes such as mineral-water-rock-bacteria interactions with anthropogenic issues such as transport of toxic heavy metals and safe disposal of nuclear waste. Offered by: Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Resiliency and Sustainability of Engineering Systems (MRSE)
This minor spans a broad range of topics on the environmental consequences of engineering systems in sustainable development. It focuses on engineering for mitigation and resiliency, emphasizing communications skills to prepare students to work with city planners, policymakers and the public. Offered by: Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences.